On 1 September 2016, the Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch (CHEM) has started its new initiative to support the Parkinson’s research of the National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Disease (NCER-PD).
New rooms have been specially arranged for the study, so that participants from the South of the Grand Duchy can be examined in Esch and hence do not have to travel long distances to the Parkinson’s research clinic in Luxembourg City.
“The neurologists of the CHEM and of the entire country support this study and also actively help with the recruitment of participants. We are very happy that a research programme of such high quality and international reputation is conducted in Luxembourg”, explains Dr Alexandre Bisdorff, neurologist at the CHEM and chairman of the Luxembourg Neurological Society. This motivated the CHEM to provide support for the research project in Esch-sur-Alzette.

Participation in their vicinity
A neurologist, a neuropsychologist and a clinical research nurse of the NCER-PD Flying Team will from now on conduct the tests once a week in the Maison Bessemer of the CHEM. The blood, urine and saliva samples of the participants will be then transported in the Flying Team Van, donated by the Fondation Losch at the beginning of the year, to the Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg (IBBL). Here the samples will be processed and stored for the research program.
Now that patients can be examined in the vicinity of their home, the researchers hope to reach people for whom participating hasn’t been possible so far. “Patient participation is an important prerequisite for the success of the study. Thanks to the generous support of the CHEM, we will come a step closer to our goal of recruiting 800 patients for the study “, said Prof. Rejko Krüger, who leads the study as neurologist at the CHL and researcher at the University of Luxembourg.

“Then I was convinced: I will participate!”
These new consultation rooms also convinced Sylvie Mahowald from Pontpierre, who participated as the first patient in the new Parkinson’s Research Clinic in Esch-sur-Alzette. “I have followed the development of the Luxembourg Parkinson’s Study from its start. When I heard that participation will now also be possible in Esch, I was convinced: I will participate!", explains Sylvie Mahowald. The aim of the NCER-PD research programme is also close to her heart: “It had taken more than a year until I got the Parkinson’s disease diagnosis 13 years ago. Only when you know your enemy, you can fight it.”
Since then the 59-year old engages in the awareness programmes of the patient association Parkinson Luxembourg and communicates openly about her active live with Parkinson’s: “Society still has a lot of prejudices about young people who shake or move slowly. Patients are stigmatized, as nobody thinks that Parkinson’s disease can also concern young people." Therefore, the self-declared optimist has written up the stories of different Parkinson’s patients in her book “Unser Leben mit Parkinson und wie es vorher war” (English: Our life with Parkinson’s and how it was before). With this book she wants to create hope for other patients: “Giving up was never an option for me! My life changed with Parkinson’s disease, but it is definitely not over. I never would have thought that I’d paint, write a book and actively participate in a research project!" The latter she can also highly recommend to other patients but also to people without Parkinson’s that can serve as control subjects in the study: “Invest two hours into research! Only then they can find new ways for cure and diagnosis."

The NCER-PD team is still looking for participants that are willing to be examined for the research programme like Sylvie Mahowald.
For further information or to make an appointment, including at the CHEM, please contact this number +352 4411 4848 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.