On 2 September, a Giant Public Pillow Fight took place in Luxembourg in front of the Grand Ducal Palace.
Join us in the fight against Parkinson's disease on 2 September on Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes in Luxembourg!
To improve research on Parkinson's disease, the Luxembourg Institute of Health is recruiting "control persons" (not suffering from Parkinson's disease), especially men above 40, to obtain clinical data and samples that will be compared to those of patients.
Once a year the NCER-PD research programme is evaluated by an external Steering Committee composed of international experts. On 10-11 July 2017, the two-year progress report of the study was presented and received very good grades.
On Wednesday 10th May, LIH's Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Centre (CIEC) had the great pleasure to welcome Mr Gérard Zoller (G.Z.) and Mr Constant Infalt (C.I.), respectively Chairman of Interclub of the 14 Rotary Clubs in Luxembourg and Rotary Country Chair Grand-Duché de Luxembourg as control participants to our Parkinson study NCER-PD. They kindly accepted to share with us their experience and their involvement in the fight against Parkinson disease.